In other news, you probably noticed that we've been on a TV kick lately, what with reviews of "Stella: Season One", "Sealab 2021: Season IV", "Arrested Development: Season Three", and "Ren & Stimpy: The Lost Episodes" making consecutive appearances on the mothersite. It actually wasn't premeditated, but with so many season sets of various shows collecting dust on the shelves at FFC HQ, it's been a load off my conscience. Next week: "Big Love: The Complete First Season".
Lastly, I want to thank long-time reader Vikram Nair for his lovely review of THE FILM FREAK CENTRAL 2006 ANNUAL, which he recently posted at both Lulu and Amazon.com. We don't have an advertising budget, so this kind of gesture really helps. (For a full list of retailers, see our homepage.)
I leave you with a mystery screen capture. No prizes for guessing correctly, just bragging rights.
I want to say "The Fog" but, I am never, ever, ever right--must be a genetic problem. Is this why I can remember the director and actors for virtually every film--but, rarely the names of the characters?
As for TV--I relented and finally plunked down some serious bread for "The Twilight Zone" collections. Not a consistent series, but I was suprised how well much of them hold up--
Three strikes so far.
Er... The Omen.
Deer Hunter?
Breaking the waves?
OMG, someone please get this soon. It's totally bugging me.
In the Bedroom?
If it isn't "Beetlejuice", it must be "The Witches of Eastwick" ...
... mustn't it?
I'd give you more caps, but unfortunately the DVD is no longer in my possession. Hints: it's a '70s movie, and we reviewed it within the past year.
the postman always rings twice?
Let's Scare Jessica To Death?
the wicker man
Bragging rights to the poster with no name: Orca it is.
Gonna have to start making these difficult.
I wish! Then I could cash in a favour.
Almost all of those actors went on to higher profile gigs. If I was good at anything back then, it was probably casting.
Re: It's A Wonderful Life
I have to give credit to Travis for another good read about an old warhorse. The film is a lot more bleak than most people seem to acknowledge (after all, the key pivot point in the film is a suicide attempt), and in the end, evil (Potter) is not defeated, merely held at bay once again by George, who seems to be happily resigned to his limited lot in life. As you point out, Travis, a mixed victory if ever there was one.
As for me, I prefer the "Lost Ending" (from a Saturday Night Live sketch, circa 1986) in which, as everyone is celebrating, Uncle Billy suddenly realizes that Potter has the money he lost, and the party turns into an angry mob that storms Potter's bank where, after first finding out that he can actually walk, procede to beat the bejeezus out of him (while singing "Auld Lang Syne," of course.)
Gee, I had almost forgotten that review even existed. Good to see somebody got something out of it.
Bill, I think you were also good at small moments. There are three or four in your film that ring so beautiful. Particularly that between Karen Dwyer and the brother.
Cheers on the Big Love review - as always, I find my thoughts about a piece being verbalized perfectly, in a way I never could've written myself.
Are you guys ever going to get to Six Feet Under?
Thanks, Chris. I hope it doesn't seem like I'm down on Ursa; but watching it now, I can certainly sympathize with the revisionist itch that filmmakers get.
And come hell or high water, we will get around to doing "Six Feet Under".
Wow, do a bunch of TV show DVD reviews in a row and look what happens. (I still want to know what happened to Walt's Lost review, btw.) And while we're chiming in on our favorite HBO shows (so it seems)you haven't reviewed, I already miss Deadwood.
But for today at least, it's horror movie time, and I just watched my most recent favorite horror film, Shaun of the Dead. I just love it, and still the biggest laugh out loud moment I get is at the very end, where Shaun and (the zombie) Ed start to play video games and Queen's "You're My Best Friend" heralds the appearance of the closing credits. Friggin' brilliant.
Shaun of the Dead is my favorite horror movie ever, probably, but Don't Look Now is also quite amazing, as are the Polanski and Romero films that undoubtably influenced both those.
I'd love to read a review of Lost sometime by any of you guys. I just started watching Season 2 and man, this beast of a show is so convoluted and ridiculous but I can't help loving it. If only Matthew Fox were as good as Terry O'Quinn & Harold Perrineau.
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