October 09, 2005

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Just in case anybody missed it, we actually have a new Sunday Feature this week, Walter's interview with Mike Mills and Lou Pucci, the director and star, respectively, of Thumbsucker. It's a beaut, methinks.

Currently jammed on a review of House of Wax (v3.0); I really can't get over how incredibly sadistic it is--and this is coming from the guy who thought the remake of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was too tame.


Anonymous said...

Re: House of Wax - My thoughts exactly; although it sucks, I think it earns brownie points for being so extreme in such a nasty way; it lingered for a couple of days. So much for the light evening's viewing - I don't know what made me squirm more, the face-ripping, the leading lady having her fingers cut off, or the nasty close up on Paris Hilton's brain matter oozing out. Jesus.

Hollow Man said...

What a good fucking interview, man. i'm gonna watch the movie now, anyways. i wasn't going to but that dude sounds cool. i really did think it was going to be a "quirkfest".

Anonymous said...

Still, there was some modicum of goofiness to House of Wax. I mean the scene where they tear off his eyebrows with hot wax- come on.

I think that attitude is a precursor to the intensity of gore. What I thought was so disturbing about the TCM remake was the rightousness behind the violence, the idea that the victims deserved everything that they got. It's a difficult attitude for many horror movies to really convey, and for the record, I never felt that House of Wax pulled it off.